Light-weight | Water resistant | RFID signal blocking


Milo is a discreet bag that features essential icons for common needs when traveling abroad, such as food, transportation, emergencies, and more. Easily convey your needs by pointing to the relevant icon on the back of your Milo Bag.

No language skills required!

Icons are universally recognized symbols commonly used worldwide.

  • Our Mission

    At icango, we envision a world where travel is not limited by language barriers. Our mission is to empower even the most inexperienced travelers to explore the globe with confidence and ease. 

  • Our Products

    icango offers a range of travel bags designed to make travel accessible to all and enhance the travel experience, utilizing a unique approach of universal icons.

  • Why Choose Us

    We offer practical adaptability by employing universally recognizable symbols and icons. By doing this, we bridge the gap in foreign and unfamiliar environments, enabling you to experience the richness of global travel without the constraints of language.


Whether you're seeking assistance, have product-related questions, or simply want to share your icango experiences, we want to hear from you! Send us a message!

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